Honors & Awards
Employment History
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Journal Editoral Board
- Associate technical editor of IEEE Communications Magazine (ComMag)
- Editor of IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine-Systems (THMS)
- Editor of Proceedings of the ACM (PACM) on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT)
- Editor of Springer Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS)
- Editor of IEEE IT Professional (ITPro)
- Editor of International Journal of Crowd Science (IJCS)
- Area Editor of EAI Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities(SC)
- Guest Editor of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Special Issue on "Crowdsensing Big Data: Sensing, Processing and Understanding"
- Guest Editor of ZTE Communications, Special Issue on "Wireless Intelligence for Behavior Sensing and Recognition"
- Guest Editor of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Special Issue on "Device-Free Sensing for Human Behavior Understanding"
- Guest Editor of IEEE Communications Magazine, Special Issue on "Behavior Recognition based on WiFi CSI"
- Guest Editor of World Wide Web Journal, Special Issue on "Mobile Crowdsourcing"
- Guest Editor of Frontiers of Computer Science, Special Column on "Smart City and Urban Computing"
- Guest editor of IEEE Transactions on Human Machine Systems, Feature Topic on "Situation, Activity and Goal Awareness in Cyber-physical Human-Machine Systems"
- Guest editor of IEEE Communications Magazine, Feature Topic on "Mobile Crowd Sensing"
- Editor of ACM/Springer Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC)
- Guest editor of ACM/Springer Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Feature Topic on "Cross-Community Mining"
- Guest editor of ACM/Springer Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Feature Topic on "Mobile and Pervasive Games"
- Guest editor of IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IEEE IoT)
- Guest editor of Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA)
- Guest editor of ACM Trans. on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST)
- Guest editor of Springer Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (JAIHC)
- CCF Technique Dynamics Digital Magazine (中国计算机学会CCF《技术动态》)
International Conference Organizing Committee
- General Chair of the 2024 ACM MobiSys workshop on AIoT Systems, Tokyo, Japan
- General Chair of the 2024 IEEE Coupling of Sensing & Computing in AIoT Systems (CSCAIoT'24) , Hongkong
- Steering Community Chair of the 2024 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence of Things and Systems (AIoTSys'24) , China
- 首届社交群体智能算法大赛,主席
- General Chair of the 2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence of Things and Systems (AIoTSys'23) , China
- 首届CCF黄河论坛 (CHHC'23) ,程序委员会主席, Xi'an, China
- 第六届中国软件开源创新大赛,组织委员会主席, Xi'an, China
- General Chair of the 2023 CNCC Seminar on Crowd Intelligence with the Fusion of Human, Machine, and Things (CNCC人机物融合群智计算前沿论坛), Shenyang, China
- General Chair of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Metaverse (Metaverse'23) , UK
- General Chair of the 2022 CNCC Seminar on the Frontiers of the Emergence of Crowd Intelligence (CNCC群体智能涌现系统前沿论坛), Virtual
- Program Co-Chair of CCF CSCW&Social Computing Summer School, Xi'an, China
- General Co-Chair of MetaVerse Youth Forum (青年空间工作坊:元宇宙视角下的神经认知和空间重塑), Shanghai, China
- General Chair of CCF 30 Years of Ubiquitous Computing Multi-Interdisciplinary Forum (普适计算多学科交叉论坛), Zhejiang, China
- Program Chair of CCF 30 Years of Ubiquitous Computing High-end Forum, Xi'an, China
- General Chair of The Deep Learning for Internet of Things Workshop (DL-IoT @ ICDM'20), Sorrento, Italy
- Program Chair of The 15th International Conference on Green, Pervasive and Cloud Computing(GPC'20), Xi'an, China
- Program Chair of The 2019 CCF User Profiling and Social/Community Intelligence Forum(网络空间用户画像与社群智能前沿论坛), Hangzhou, China
- General Co-Chair of The 2019 CCF CNCC Crowd Sensing and Collaboration Forum(CCF群体感知与群智协同前沿论坛,CNCC 2019优秀论坛), Suzhou, China
- Program Chair of The 13th International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE'19), Xi'an, China
- Advisory Chair of The 5th IEEE International Conference on Internet of People (IoP'19), UK
- General Chair of The 2018 CCF User Profiling and Intelligent Recommendation Forum(社交媒体空间用户画像与智能推荐前沿论坛), Xi'an, China
- General Co-Chair of The 4th IEEE International Conference on Internet of People (IoP'18) , Guangzhou, China
- Special Session Chair on "Intelligent sensing and urban computing" of the 13th International Conference on Green, Pervasive and Cloud Computing (GPC'18) , Hangzhou, China
- 2018全国普适计算学术会议程序主席 (PCC'18)
- Journal Special Issue Chair of The 15th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC'18), Guangzhou China
- Technical Program Committee of IJCAI, AAAI, WWW, CHI, IEEE PerCom
- General Chair of The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Internet of People (IoP'17) , San Francisco, USA
- General Chair of The 10th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical, and Social Computing (CPSCom'17) , Exeter, UK
- Program Co-Chair of the IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software and Applications (COMPSAC 2017) - ITiP Symposium, Italy
- Program Chair of The 9th IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical, and Social Computing (CPSCom'16)
- Program Co-Chair of The International Symposium on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS16)
- Workshop Chair of The IEEE International Conference on Internet of People (IoP'16)
- Workshop/Industry Chair of The 6th International Conference on MOBILe Wireless MiddleWARE, Operating Systems, and Applications (MobiWare'16)
- General Co-Chair of The 12th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC'15)
- Local Chair of FCS Journal Young AE Forum, West-China Section (FCS YOUNG AE)
- General Co-Chair of The 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Situation, Activity and Goal Awareness (SAGAware '15)
- General Co-Chair of The 7th International Symposium on UbiCom Frontiers - Innovative Research, Systems and Technologies (UFirst2015)
- Journal Special Issue Chair of the 12th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC'15)
- Workshop Chair of the 2014 IEEE/ASE International Conference on BigData Science and Computing (BigDataSci'14)
- Vice Program Chair of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT'14)
- Co-Chair of the 4th IEEE Workshop on Internet of Things and Logistics (IOTL'15)
- Program Chair of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC'13)
- Program Co-Chair of the 9th FTRA International Conference on Future Information Technology (FutureTech'14)
- General Chair of the 2014 IEEE International Workshop on Social and Community Intelligence (SCI'14) @PerCom'14
- Program Vice-Chair of the The 5th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT'14)
- Workshop Chair of the 2013 IEEE International Confernece on Internet of Things (iThings'13)
- General Chair of the IEEE International Workshop on Localization Technology and Location-based Services(LTLS'13) @iThings'13
- General Chair of the 1st ACM International Symposium on Social and Community Intelligence (SCI-11) at the UbiComp-11
- Puclicity Chair of the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC'12)
- Publicity Chair of ICTH'13
- 2013全国普适计算学术会议,程序委员会副主席,特邀讲者 (PCC'13)
Invited Talks
- 2024.10, "人机物融合群智计算系统",中国计算机大会CNCC,Hengdian, China.
- 2024.10, "LLM vs. 嵌入式智能系统",中国计算机大会CNCC,Hengdian, China.
- 2024.8, "智能物联网系统",2024中国通信学会环球科学家蓝海论坛,Xi'an, China.
- 2024.6, "人机物融合群智计算",2024全球人工智能技术大会“群体智能感知与具身智能论坛”,Hangzhou, China.
- 2024.5, "人机物融合群智计算,CCF普适计算专委走进苏大 ",Suzhou, China.
- 2024.4, "人机物融合群智计算, CCF协同计算专委走进郑大",Zhengzhou, China.
- 2024.4, "智能物联网:前沿探索与创新实践", CCF普适计算专委泛在中国行重庆论坛,Chongqing, China.hengzhou,
- 2023.12, "From Crowd Sensing to Crowd Computing, The 19th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking (MSN 2023),青年科学家论坛,Nanjing, China.
- 2023.12, “人机物融合群智计算”,中国图形图像学会图形图像中国行,Fuzhou, China.
- 2023.10, "智能物联网:前沿探索与创新实践", CNCC中国计算机大会,城市计算论坛,Shenyang, China.
- 2023.9, "智能物联网:前沿探索与创新实践", CCF-Net 2023智能物联感知计算论坛,Wenzhou, China.
- 2023.9, "人机物融合群智计算", 大数据科学与工程论坛,Wuhan, China.
- 2023.8, "感算协同与智能物联", CCF-HHME 2023普适智能论坛,Harbin, China.
- 2023.8, "智能物联网:前沿探索与创新实践", CCF-Sys 2023边缘智能论坛,Nanchang, China.
- 2023.7, "人机物融合群智计算", CCF-AI 2023数据挖掘论坛,Urumuqi, China.
- 2023.7, "人机物融合群智计算系统", KDD China 2023数智未来高峰论坛,Chengdu, China.
- 2023.7, "智能物联网:前沿探索与创新实践", CCF黄河论坛, Xi'an, China.
- 2023.6, "人机物融合群智计算系统", CCF秀湖论坛, Suzhou, China.
- 2023.4, "Crowd Intelligence with Human-Machine-Things Fusion: Theory and Practice", IEEE WASA-2022, Dalian, China.
- 2023.3, "Crowd Intelligence with Human-Machine-Things Fusion: Theory and Practice", 智能/网络/安全融合国际研讨会, Xiangtan, China.
- 2022.12, "Crowd Intelligence with Human-Machine-Things Fusion: Theory and Practice", CNCC人机物融合群智计算论坛,中国计算机大会,Online.
- 2022.11, "Collective Human-Machine-Things Intelligence and AIoT", 华为KubeEdge,首届云原生边缘计算学术研讨会,Online.
- 2022.11, "Crowd Intelligence with Human-Machine-Things Fusion: Theory and Practice", CCF大数据学术会议-智能交通与时空AI论坛,Online.
- 2022.11, "Crowd Intelligence with Human-Machine-Things Fusion: Theory and Practice", 第二届数据智能与管理学术会议,Online.
- 2022.11, "Crowd Intelligence with Human-Machine-Things Fusion: Theory and Practice", 北大遥感地信系列讲座-未名论坛,Online.
- 2022.10, "Crowd Intelligence with Human-Machine-Things Fusion: Theory and Practice", CCF协同智能计算前沿技术研讨会,Online.
- 2022.7, "CrowdHMT: Leveraging Crowd Intelligence with Human-Machine-Things Fusion", CCF普适计算与大数据暑期学校,Online.
- 2022.5, "CrowdHMT: Leveraging Crowd Intelligence with Human-Machine-Things Fusion", 中日韩工程技术大会-物联智能服务论坛,Online.
- 2022.4, "CrowdHMT: Leveraging Crowd Intelligence with Human-Machine-Things Fusion", CCF 群智涌现前沿论坛,Online.
- 2022.1, "CrowdHMT: Leveraging Crowd Intelligence with Human-Machine-Things Fusion", CCF Big Data 2021 边缘计算与大数据论坛,Guangzhou.
- 2021.12, "Crowd-Inspired Intelligent Manufacturing", CNCC工业互联网论坛,Shenzhen.
- 2021.12, "Crowd Intelligence with the Deep Fusion and Human, Machine, and IoT Intelligence", 第六届未来信息通信及智能应用技术论坛,Xi'an.
- 2021.11, "Crowd Intelligence with the Deep Fusion and Human, Machine, and IoT Intelligence", 西安电子科技大学“长安”论坛,Xi'an.
- 2021.11, "Crowd Intelligence with the Deep Fusion and Human, Machine, and IoT Intelligence", 全国开放式分布于并行计算学术年会,Virtual
- 2021.10, "Crowd Intelligence with the Deep Fusion and Human, Machine, and IoT Intelligence", 中国计算机应用大会,Yangzhong.
- 2021.10, "From Crwod Sensing to Crowd Computing", Invited Talk @ IEEE International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC'21),Shenzhen.
- 2021.10, "AI-Art: Persective and Practice 计算艺术交叉-前沿探索与实践", 中国人工智能大会CCAI - 智能创意与视觉知识表达论坛,Chengdu.
- 2021.08, "Crowd Intelligence with the Deep Fusion and Human, Machine, and IoT Intelligence", 中国自动化学会CAA云讲座,Virtual.
- 2021.07, "Crowd Intelligence with the Deep Fusion and Human, Machine, and IoT Intelligence", The 2021 ACM Turing Award Celebration Conference (ACM TURC), 2021中国图灵大会“SIGMOBILE China专题研讨会”,Hefei.
- 2021.05, "Crowd Intelligence with the Deep Fusion and Human, Machine, and IoT Intelligence", The 36th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation, 第 36 届中国自动化学会青年学术年会“杰青论坛”,Nanchang.
- 2021.04, "Crowd Intelligence with the Deep Fusion and Human, Machine, and IoT Intelligence", CCF@University, CCF走进西北师范大学, Lanzhou.
- 2021.04, "Mobile Crowd Sensing: Past, Present, and the Future", 成渝双城博士后交叉学科,Chengdu.
- 2020.12, "Mobile Crowd Sensing 2.0", Nanjing University(南京大学).
- 2020.11, "Crowd Sensing and Urban Computing", ChineseCSCW'20 Keynote (第15届全国计算机支持的协同工作与社会计算学术会议).
- 2020.10, "Mobile Crowd Sensing and Urban Computing", CNCC'20 Smart City and Urban Computing Forum (中国计算机大会第三届智慧城市与城市计算论坛).
- 2020.10, "Mobile Crowd Sensing and Urban Computing", HHME'20 Urban Intelligence Forum (全国和谐人机环境联合学术会议城市智能体论坛).
- 2020.09, "The Future of Mobile Crowd Sensing", Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.(中国西部科技创新港科创月论坛).
- 2020.09, "The Future of Mobile Crowd Sensing", Northeastern University(东南大学).
- 2020.08, "Mobile Crowd Sensing: Current State and The Future", CSCW & Social Computing Summer School by CCF (CCF协同计算专委), Online.
- 2020.07, "Mobile Crowd Sensing: Current State and The Future", Urban Computing Summer School by Jingdong(京东), Online.
- 2020.05, "From Mobile Crowd Sensing to Crowd Computing", ACM SIGSPATIAL中国空间智能学术年会, Online.
- 2020.01, "From Mobile Crowd Sensing to Crowd Computing", Intelligent Sensing Forum, Harbin.
- 2019.12, "From Mobile Crowd Sensing to Crowd Computing", Forum Keynote Speaker @ The 2019 CyberSpace Congress, Beijing.
- 2019.12, "Mobile Crowd Intelligence", 数据福建大数据基础技术实验室学术年会, Fuzhou.
- 2019.11, "Mobile Crowd Intelligence", 陕西青年科学家大会-信息网络技术论坛, Xi'an.
- 2019.10, "Crowd Intelligence and Cyber Cognition Security", 网络计算与人工智能学术峰会, Changsha.
- 2019.8, "Crowd Intelligence and Cognition Security", 中国图形图像学会,媒体智能计算与信息安全学术研讨会, Taian.
- 2019.6, "Crowd Intelligence and Cognition Security", CCF YOCSEF大数据智能与安全专题论坛, Wuhan.
- 2019.6, "Crowd Intelligence and Cognition Security", CCF智能感知与城市计算前沿论坛, Xiamen.
- 2019.5, "From Crowd Sensing to Crowd Intelligence", 江苏物联网创新论坛, Nanjing.
- 2019.4, "Crowd Intelligence and Cognitive Security", 西部青年计算机学者论坛, Chongqing.
- 2018.11, "Retail Placement Recommendation with Multi-Source Urban Data", Alibaba.
- 2018.11, "Urban Profiling and Intelligent Recommendation with Cross-Domain Crowdsourced Data", CCF User Profiling and Intelligent Recommendation Forum, Xi'an.
- 2018.8, "Crowd Intelligence for Mobile App Development", Intelligent Software Innovation Seminar, Xining.
- 2018.7, "Human-Machine Systems: From Interaction to Collaboration", National Human-Computer Interaction Summer School for Graduate Students, Nanjing University.
- 2018.7, "From Crowd Sensing to Crowd Computing", National Outstanding Young Scholar Forum on Software, Theory and Systems, Organized by the "Science China" Journal,Beijing University.
- 2018.5, "Harnessing the Power of the Crowd for Sensing and Computing", Young Scientist Forum Speaker, The 13th International Conference on Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing(GPC'18), Hang Zhou.
- 2018.4, "Mobile Crowd Sensing and Computing", Frontiers of Media Intelligence Forum, Xi'an University of Technology.
- 2017.10, "From Crowd Sensing to Crowd Computing", CCF Intelligent Sensing and Urban Computing Forum, Fuzhou.
- 2017.10, "Mobile Crowd Sensing and Computing", Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing.
- 2017.10, "Mobile Crowd Sensing: The Current State and Future Directions", CCF@University (CCF走进高校), Dongguan, Guandong Province.
- 2017.7, "The Tutorial for Mobile Crowd Sensing and Computing ", HHME'17, Qingdao.
- 2017.7, "From Crowd Sensing to Crowd Computing", FCS Smart City Forum @ HHME'17, Qingdao.
- 2016.9, "Crowd Sensing and Crowd Intelligence", 2016中国地理信息科学理论与方法学术年会, Shenzhen.
- 2016.8, "A Review of My Past Ten Years' Research in UbiComp", HHME'16 Conference, Shanghai.
- 2016.8, "Mobile Crowd Sensing and Computing", FCS Young Scholar Seminar @ HHME'16 , Shanghai.
- 2015.12, "Mobile Crowd Sensing and Smart City Services", ACM SIGSPATIAL China Seminar, Beijing.
- 2015.11, "Urban Big Data and Social Intelligence", Beihang University, Beijing.
- 2015.10, "Big Data, Smart City, and Innovation", Northwest A&F University, Xi'an.
- 2015.8, "Urban Big Data and Social Intelligence", China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang.
- 2015.8, "From Participatory Sensing to Mobile Crowd Sensing", Keynote @ IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, Beijing.
- 2015.7, "Mobile Crowd Sensing: Towards a new sensing paradigm", Invited talk at Shaanxi Normal University.
- 2015.6, "Mobile Crowd Sensing", Young AE Workshop, Frontiers of Computer Science, Wuhan (Springer FCS期刊青年AE华中研讨会,武汉)
- 2014.10, "From Big Data to Community Intelligence", Northwestern Polytechnical Univ. (工大开讲:科学公开课).
- 2014.7, "Mobile Crowd Sensing: Towards a new sensing paradigm ", Invited talk at Xi'an University of Technology .
- 2014.5, "Big Data and Mobile Internet ", 2014 Mobile Internet Summit (supported by, Beijing.
- 2014.4, "Mobile Crowd Sensing", International Workshop on Complex Networks and Big Data, Northwestern University.
- 2013.12, "Social and Community Intelligence", Graduate Academic Conference, Xidian University .
- 2013.11, "Mobile Big Data and Financial Innovation ", University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.
- 2013.8, "Mobile Crowd Sensing", City Dynamics, Social Signal Processing, and Computational Intelligence Workshop, Fudan University.
- 2013.3, "Social and Community Intelligence: The Vision and Its Applications ", Big-Data and Human Behavior Understanding Seminar, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC).
- 2012.11, "Extracting Social and Community Intelligence from Digital Footprints", 100-Year Ceremony Young Scholar Forum of Northwest University, Northwest University.
- 2012.10, "From Pervasive Computing to Social Intelligence ", Complex Data Lab., Xi'an Jiaotong University.
- 2012.5, "Opportunistic Internet of Things", CSCWD'12.
- 2010.10, "From Individual Smart Spaces to Community Intelligence ", The Fall-Seminar of the Key Lab. on Intelligent Sensing and Image Understanding, Xi'dian Univ.
- 2009.5, "An Ontology-based Program Platform for Internet of Things", Northwestern Polytechnical Univ.
IEEE Senior Member, ACM Member, CCF Distinguished Member, CCF Technical Communite on Pervasive Computing/CHI
Vice Chair, CCF YOCSEF Xi'an Section
Member, IEEE Communications Society, Technical Committee on Big Data
Member, IEEE SMC Technical Committee on CSCWD
Last updated: Aug. 19, 2018. |